This year I will be doing 3 cosplays.
I haven't fully decided which will be Friday and which Saturday, but one cosplay will be Stocking Anarchy from Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt.

I already have a pair of shoes that work too. That leaves making the dress and her sword and getting her bone cat. I'm going to buy the bone cat from FM-Anime to save me some time and because there's has a zipper, so I'm going to try to use it as my purse that day :-).

The other day, I'm going to do Black Rock Shooter from Black Rock Shooter. I've never played the game or read the manga so I'm doing the TV version of BRS. I'm using the same shorts I wore for Kurisu Makise and I already have the black top. I ordered some boots from Ebay that I'll be modifying, I bought two belts from Ebay for this cosplay and Epic Cosplay also sells this character wig, so I already have that.

For Sunday, I'm going to wear Kurisu Makise again. My BF might be Okabe Rintarou, but he hasn't decided yet.
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