Monday, June 25, 2012

The adventure begins...

Although I've been watching anime for years, Nekocon 2011 was my first convention ever.  Honestly, other than ComicCon, I had never even heard of other cons b/c I had very few friends who like anime or anything that I'd call "nerd-related."  So, not only was Nekocon my first con, but it was my first venture into the world of cosplayers and i immediately fell in LOVE! 

I've always loved wearing costumes, really not needing much of a reason to put one on, so I was just naturally drawn into the cosplayer's world. So, with some self-motivation (and quite a bit of prodding from my BF, lol) I started working on two cosplays for Otakon:

Lucy from Elfen Lied

and Yoko Littner from Gurren Lagann

The biggest issue for me will be sewing for the first time.  My BF bought me a sewing machine (basically for cosplay) for my birthday in April and has been freaking out anytime I act the slightest bit nervous about my possible sewing abilities.  I've always been crafty, but I'm realistic and the idea of making clothes that are actually wearable does make me nervous.  Oh well, I'll find out soon, lmbo.

I'll post pics of what I have so far and what my plans are for these cosplays soon.

Happy Cosplaying!

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